Active Ingredient: Quizalofop-p-ethyl 5%EC
CAS No.: 100646-51-3
Classification: Herbicide
Crops: Soybean, sugar beet, rape, potato, flax, pea, broad bean, tobacco, watermelon, cotton, peanut, broad-leaf vegetables and other crops, fruit trees, forestry nursery, young forest tending, alfalfa, etc
Target Weeds: Wild oats, Barnyard grass, setaria, golden setaria, Matang, wild millet, beef sinew, sinephelus, Teff, thousand gold, brome, barley, multiflower ryegrass, poison wheat, millet, bluegrass, two-ear paspalum, dogtooth root, white grass, creeping ice grass, reed and other annual and perennial grass weeds.
Packaging: 5L/drum
MOQ: 1000L
Other formulations: Quizalofop-p-ethyl 12.5%EC