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How to determine the quality of pesticide fungicides?

In agriculture, fungicides are not only effective in preventing and controlling diseases, but also in improving the yield and quality of crops. However, the market is filled with a variety of fungicide products, the quality of which varies. So, what are the main factors affecting the quality of fungicides? In this paper, we will discuss the quality and quantity of active ingredients of fungicides and the level of pesticide processing technology.


Quality and quantity of active ingredients of fungicides

Types and role of Active Ingredients
The active ingredient of fungicide is the core component of its function, and different kinds of active ingredients have different action mechanisms. For example, copper preparations inhibit the growth of pathogens by releasing copper ions, while sulfur preparations inhibit the metabolic process of pathogens to achieve the sterilization effect. The selection and proportion of active ingredients have a direct impact on the effectiveness of fungicides.

Content of Active Ingredients
The content of active ingredients is the most effective way to measure the quality of fungicides. Fungicides with insufficient active ingredient content often fail to achieve the expected control effect, while too high active ingredient content may cause harm to crops and the environment. Therefore, a reasonable content of active ingredients can ensure both the bactericidal effect, but also to ensure the safety of use.

Formulation and mixing of fungicides
Fungicides are usually made of a mixture of components, including active ingredients, additives and solvents. The proportion of different components and mixing process directly affects the stability of the fungicide and the use of the effect. A good quality fungicide should have a uniform formulation and good mixing to ensure that the best effect can be realized every time it is used.


The level of pesticide processing technology

The impact of processing technology on the quality of fungicides
The processing technology of pesticides includes formulation design, production process and quality control. Advanced processing technology can not only increase the active ingredient content of fungicides, but also improve their physicochemical properties, making them more stable and efficient. For example, microemulsification technology can improve the solubility and permeability of fungicides, thus enhancing their bactericidal effect.

Physicochemical properties of biocides
The physicochemical properties of biocides include solubility, stability, fluidity and so on. High-quality biocides should have good solubility and stability, and are not easy to decompose or precipitate during storage and use. In addition, good fluidity can ensure the uniform distribution of the fungicide in use and improve the control effect.

Technological innovation and quality improvement
With the continuous progress of science and technology, the processing technology of fungicides is also constantly innovating. For example, the application of nanotechnology in fungicides can improve the utilization rate of its active ingredients, thus improving the sterilization effect and reducing the dosage. In addition, intelligent production technology can realize the fine control of the production process and further improve the quality of fungicides.


Shoddy pesticide products on the market

Harmful effects of shoddy pesticides
Shoddy pesticides are not only ineffective in preventing and controlling diseases, but may also cause serious harm to crops, the environment and human health. The use of shoddy pesticides may lead to crop yield reduction or even crop failure, contaminate soil and water sources, and jeopardize the ecological environment. In addition, the harmful ingredients in shoddy pesticides may enter the human body through the food chain, jeopardizing health.

Ways to recognize shoddy pesticides
The method of identifying shoddy pesticides mainly includes observing the commodity packaging and labeling, testing the physical and chemical properties of the preparation. Consumers in the purchase of fungicides, should choose formal channels, carefully check the product packaging and labeling, if necessary, can be tested by its physical and chemical properties to determine its quality.


How to identify the quality of fungicides

Recognition through the commodity packaging and labeling
The packaging and labeling of fungicides is an important basis for judging their quality. High-quality fungicide packaging is often made of high-quality materials, packaging containers are more fine workmanship, sealing tightly and neatly. The label should indicate the name of the pesticide, specifications, registration number, production license number, net weight, manufacturer, category, instructions for use, toxicity signs, precautions, date of production and batch number and other content. There is no labeling, labeling damage or vague content of the product, the quality is often difficult to ensure.

Physical and chemical properties from the preparation of quality
The physical and chemical properties of the fungicide is an important indicator of its quality. Different preparation types of fungicides have different physical and chemical properties and methods of use, so you need to understand the nature and quality standards when buying and judging accordingly.


Packaging and labeling of fungicides

Packaging characteristics of high-quality fungicides
The packaging of high-quality fungicides should be made of high-quality materials with good sealing and durability. The printing on the package should be clear and complete with no blurring or breakage. In addition, the design and material of the package should be able to effectively protect the stability of the biocide during storage and transportation.

Label content specification and identification
Qualified fungicide labels should include detailed product information, such as the name of the pesticide, specifications, manufacturers, instructions for use and so on. The content on the label should be clear, standardized and printed with high quality. Consumers should carefully check the contents of the label when purchasing to ensure that the product purchased is a regular production of qualified products.


Emulsifiable Concentrates, oils, emulsifiers and other liquid preparations quality judgment

Appearance and Stability of Emulsifiable Concentrates
Good quality emulsifiable concentrates should be transparent oily liquid without obvious precipitation. For some special types of emulsifiable concentrates, such as 2,4-dichlorobutyl ester, the appearance of opacity or crystallization phenomenon is also acceptable, but need to be slightly heated or shaken after the crystals can be dissolved. In addition, the stability of the emulsion and wet spreading is also an important quality indicator. Diluted emulsifiable concentrate should be free of floating oil and precipitation, and can well wet crop leaves.

Turbidity and precipitation of Solutions
High-quality Solutions should be uniform and transparent liquid, without obvious turbidity or precipitation. If Solutions appear cloudy or precipitate, they are considered to be of poor quality. In addition, the color of the Solutions should be in accordance with the product standard, and if the color varies too much, the quality should also be questioned.

Transparency and Compatibility of Oil Formulations
Good quality Oil Formulations should be clear, single phase liquids that do not mix with water to form emulsions. If Oil Formulations form emulsions or delaminate when water is added, they may be substandard quality Oil Formulations or other types of formulations.


Quality Judgment of Solid Formulations such as Powders, WPs and Granules

Fineness and Flowability of Dustable Powders
Quality Dustable Powders should have a certain fineness and uniformity, and the color should be in accordance with the product standard. In addition, Dustable Powders should have good fluidity, no lumps and no flocculent. If lumps can be formed when Dustable Powders are grasped by hand with force, it means that the water content of Dustable Powders is too large and the dispersion or fluidity is poor.

Wetting Performance and Suspension Rate of Wettable Powders
Good quality Wettable Powders should be able to be quickly wetted by water to form a suspension, and will not settle in a short period of time. If the wetting time is too long or precipitates quickly, the Wettable Powders are of poor quality. Other quality requirements are the same as Dustable Powders.

Uniformity and Disintegration of Granules
Good quality Granules should have uniform particles with low powder content and intact particles. Disintegrating Granules can disintegrate within a certain time when exposed to water, while non-disintegrating Granules should remain intact for a certain period of time. Aqua Granules should have good dispersibility and fast dissolution rate in water.


Tests for other physical and chemical properties

Determination of moisture content
Moisture content is an important factor affecting the quality and stability of fungicides. Fungicides with excessive moisture content are prone to caking and deterioration, so they need to be measured by specialized techniques or equipment to ensure their stability during storage and use.

Checking of acidity and alkalinity
The pH of the biocide will affect its effect and stability. Suitable pH can improve the activity and stability of the fungicide, so when purchasing, attention should be paid to whether the pH of the product meets the standard.

Analysis of impurity content
Impurity content is an important factor affecting the quality of fungicides. Fungicides with too high impurity content will not only reduce its effect, but also may cause harm to crops and the environment. Therefore, specialized analytical techniques are needed to detect the impurity content in fungicides.



To summarize, the quality of fungicides is mainly affected by two factors: the quality and quantity of active ingredients and the level of pesticide processing technology. When purchasing fungicides, consumers should carefully check the packaging and labeling of the products, understand their physicochemical properties, and choose formal channels to buy high-quality products. Only in this way can we ensure the effectiveness and safety of fungicides, and provide a strong guarantee for the healthy growth of crops.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How does the active ingredient of fungicide affect the crops?
The active ingredient is the core of the fungicide, it has direct inhibition and killing effect on the disease, and its rational use can improve the health and yield of crops.

2. How to distinguish between Emulsifiable Concentrates and Solutions?
Emulsifiable Concentrates are usually transparent oily liquids, while Solutions are uniform transparent liquids. Emulsifiable Concentrates should be free of floating oil and precipitation after adding water, while Solutions are considered to be of poor quality if they are cloudy or precipitated.

3. Why is the packaging of high quality biocides important?
Quality packaging can effectively protect the stability of biocides during storage and transportation to prevent deterioration and failure. At the same time, the labeling information on the package can also help consumers identify the quality of the product.

4. What are the environmental hazards of shoddy biocides?
Fake fungicides are not only ineffective in preventing and controlling diseases, but may also contaminate soil and water sources, causing long-term negative impacts on the ecosystem and jeopardizing human health through the food chain.

5. What should I pay attention to when buying fungicides?
When purchasing fungicides, you should choose regular channels, check whether the packaging and labeling are standardized, understand the active ingredients and physical and chemical properties of the product, and avoid purchasing products without labels, damaged labels or blurred content.

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Post time: Jul-05-2024