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Diquat: weed control in a short period of time?

1. What is Diquat herbicide?

Diquat is a widely used non-selective contact herbicide for rapid control of weeds and other unwanted plants. It is widely used in both agriculture and horticulture and kills the green parts of plants quickly.

This means that any plant it is sprayed on will be effective within a few hours and will completely kill all plants within 1-2 days!

Diquat 15% SL

Diquat 15% SL


2. What is Diquat used for?

Diquat is primarily used to control weeds in fields, gardens and other non-cultivated areas. It is also used to treat aquatic plant problems such as algae and water weeds in water bodies.
Applications in agriculture
In agriculture, Diquat is used to quickly remove weeds from fields, especially during land preparation before planting crops.
In horticulture, Diquat is used to control weeds in gardens and lawns to maintain healthy plant growth.
Water Management
Diquat is also used to remove harmful aquatic plants from water bodies to ensure smooth waterways and ecological balance of water bodies.



3. How does Diquat work?

Diquat kills plants by inhibiting their photosynthesis. It is a contact herbicide that works mainly on the green parts of the plant. after entering the plant, Diquat destroys the cell membranes, causing the plant cells to die quickly.
Diquat inhibits photosynthesis by blocking the plant’s electron transport chain, a process that leads to the formation of free radicals within the plant cell, ultimately destroying the plant tissue.
Diquat is very fast acting and signs of wilting can usually be seen within a few hours, especially in sunlight.


4. How long does it take for Diquat to work?

Diquat usually begins to work within a few hours of application, with plants showing visible signs of wilting and eventual death within 1-2 days.
Sunlight and temperature have a significant effect on the rate of action of Diquat, with more rapid effects occurring in full sunlight.
Different plants have different response times to Diquat, but generally herbaceous plants show effects within a few hours after spraying.


5. Are Diquat and Paraquat the same substance?

Diquat and Paraquat, although both herbicides, are two different chemicals; Diquat is used primarily as a contact herbicide, while Paraquat is a whole-plant herbicide, and there are significant differences in their chemical structures and uses.
Diquat and Paraquat differ significantly in their chemistry and mode of application.Diquat is milder in action and is primarily used for control of non-persistent weeds, while Paraquat has a more potent weed-killing effect, but is also more toxic.
Paraquat is commonly used in scenarios where complete weed eradication is required, whereas Diquat is suitable for a wider range of non-cropland and water management.


6. Is Diquat part of the Paraquat family of chemicals?

Diquat and Paraquat, although both belong to the biphenyl group of compounds, do not belong to the same chemical family; Diquat is a pyridine, whereas Paraquat belongs to the bipyridine group of compounds, which have different chemical structures and mechanisms of action.
Diquat is a strong oxidizing agent that rapidly disrupts the photosynthesis mechanism of plant cells, leading to rapid plant death.
Paraquat kills plants by inhibiting their photosynthesis and has a stronger toxicity and longer environmental residual time.


7. Where can I buy Diquat?

Diquat can be purchased from agricultural suppliers, pesticide stores and online platforms such as POMAIS, you can contact us by leaving a message online.


8. How long does Diquat work?

Diquat’s duration of action is usually short, starting within a few hours after application, and the plant will be completely wilted within 1-2 days.
Once Diquat has worked on a plant, the effects are irreversible and the plant will die within a short period of time.
Diquat degrades quickly in the soil and therefore has low environmental residues, but contamination of water sources should be avoided.


9. Comparison of the duration of action of Diquat and Paraquat

Diquat has a faster time of action than Paraquat, with effects usually seen within a few hours of application, whereas Paraquat takes longer but has longer lasting effects.
Paraquat usually takes a few days to a week to completely kill the plant, especially at low temperatures.
Diquat is suitable for situations where rapid weed control is required, and is able to be effective within a few hours of application and kill weeds within 1-2 days.



Diquat is a highly effective herbicide and is the perfect choice if you want to kill weeds quickly.Diquat can be used in agriculture, horticulture and non-cropland management.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is safer, Diquat or Paraquat?
Diquat is less toxic than Paraquat, but it should be used with care and proper safety measures.

2. How long does Diquat remain in the soil?
Diquat degrades quickly in soil and generally does not remain for long periods of time, but direct contamination of water bodies should be avoided.

3. Can Diquat be used in the home garden?
Diquat can be used in home gardens, but care should be taken to avoid harming other plants and the environment.

4. Why is Diquat restricted in some areas?
Due to the potential effects of Diquat on aquatic organisms and human health, there are severe restrictions on its use in some areas.

5. What should I be aware of when using Diquat?
When using Diquat, wear appropriate protective equipment, avoid direct contact with the skin or inhalation, and pay particular attention to environmental protection during handling.

Post time: Aug-15-2024